Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wishing You the Gifts and Blessings of This Joyous Season

I send each of you my sincerest best wishes for a holiday season filled with light and love, 
and a New Year filled with good health, happiness, inspiration, and poetry.

By way of sharing, here's a poem I wrote when I was 10 years old.  

What Is Christmas?

 By Adele Kenny, 1958 (age 10) 

A certain crispness in the air?

Joyous carols everywhere?

Giving and receiving gifts?
Or – is Christmas more than this?

Stockings hanging in a row?
Children dreaming dreams of snow?
A day that’s filled with light and bliss?
Or – is Christmas more than this?

Thoughts of what will Santa bring?
Toys and games and lots of things?
Under mistletoe, a kiss?
Or – is Christmas more than this?

It is the birth of Christ the King –
listen to the church bells ring!
A star led all to where he lay
in a tiny manger filled with hay.
This is Christmas!

To worship him came Eastern kings,
and angels hovered on golden wings.
A chorus sang above the land,
while shepherds knelt to touch his hand.
This is Christmas!

Today we have our gifts and joys,
grownups’ comforts and children’s toys,
but still we worship as they did then
the baby born with love for men.
This is Christmas!


Regular posts will resume on January 14, 2017.

In the meantime, I wish you peace and all good things.


  1. Happy Christmas, Adele! Hope your day was perfect in every way. All good wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Jamie! I hope you and your family had a joyous Christmas and that the New Year brings you good health and much happiness.

  2. Merry Christmas, Adele! I love the poem you wrote when you were 10 — already a gifted poet! I gave copies of your Lightness book to my sisters for Christmas and they both love it!

    1. Thanks so much, Sandy! And thank you for giving my book as a gift to your sisters. I'm so happy to hear that they like it!

  3. Merry Christmas, Adele, and thank you for all the wonderful prompts and posts every year!

    1. Thanks so much, Angela! The posts and prompts are a pleasure to create. I'm so glad you enjoy them.

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks so much, Rich! Here's wishing you and yours a New Year filled with good health and happiness.

  5. Blessings! Greetings of good cheer and love! We'll celebrate 2007 together with more poems!
