
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Prompt #117 – Days of the Week

Do you have a favorite day of the week – a day you remember because something wonderful happened on that day? Or a day you remember because something no-so-wonderful happened? Do you like Sunday because Sunday is the day you just “hang out” and relax? Do you like Wednesday because it marks the halfway point between weekends? Or do you like Friday because it’s the last day of the work week? Is there a day on which something special happens regularly (club meeting, poetry reading, dinner with friends, prayer group meeting, favorite TV program? I don’t suppose we spend a lot of time thinking about a particular day of the week, but this week that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Think about all the days of your life (that reminds me of a soap opera), and then pick a day of the week that has special meaning for you. Write about that day. Your poem might be narrative, or you may want to go in another direction. You might enjoy writing a fantasy about a particular day of the week. Most importantly, capture the essence of one day of the week in a poem. Don't be afraid to stray from the day you've chosen. If your poem leads you elsewhere, go with it (and remember to work toward layers of meaning). Resist the urge to “finish” a poem by tying it up in a neat package – last lines that explain or sum-up can ruin an otherwise good poem.

Examples (one for each day of the week):


  1. Now this one IS interesting! Whodathunk a poem about a day of the week. Thanks for the challenge, Adele!

  2. If APRIL is the cruellest month,
    MONDAY is the cruellest day.

    1. Wonderful, Jago! A touch of humor is always appreciated!

  3. marking endless time
    we create days of the week
    forever forward

    1. The idea of creating days is great, Risa! Much depth and nuance in these three lines. Thanks for sharing with us!

    2. Right to the point, as always, Risa! Your style is interestingly philosophical and spiritual at the same time, and it's great that you convey so much with so few words. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wonderful Adele! Just catching up!
