
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Virtual Poetry Salon

Please visit Diane Lockward's blog (Blogalicious)
to "attend" a virtual poetry salon in which I'm the guest poet!

Interview Excerpt:

Diane:  How did you select the title for your book?
Adele:  Strangely enough, What Matters had a title several years before it became a book. Like many images in the poems, the title came to me late one night. It literally “popped into my mind”  before I’d even begun to think of the poems in terms of a collection. I woke up the next morning knowing that What Matters would be the title of my next book. That day I took a long look at my newer poems (revised, written, and in process) and began to see them arranged in sections relative to the experiences that drove them. The title powered the long process of writing, editing, tweaking, and selecting. 

Diane's virtual poetry salon is such a creative and fun idea complete with an interview, reading, and virtual food (see above)! Enjoy!


  1. Very cool, Adele! A great interview, and I love the poem you read.

    Congrats to you and Diane.


  2. Really delicious
    I liked it and I liked your poem too!

  3. Thanks, Jago, for the kind words -- so glad you enjoyed the virtual salon!


  4. Just checking your blog this morning and found this post! How wonderful and how wonderfully creative! Congratulations to you and Diane.

    Máire Ó Cathail (Ireland)
